Beavis and Butt-head
(existe en version US & PAL)

GWAR concert               Woa, Hah, Yah, Huh, Yea, Woa, Yea, Woo
After Highland hospital    Woa, Hah, Yea, Hee, Heh, Heh, Woa, Hah
After Highland high school Woa, Hah, Yah, Hee, Hah, Woa, Huh, Yea
After streets of Highland  Yea, Hee, Yah, Hee, Yah, Huh, Huh, Woa
Turbo Mall 2000            Hee, Hah, Yah, Yah, Hah, Woo, Hee, Hah

Codes Action Replay
7E02 220B = énergie infinie
7E02 2605 = vies infinies

Codes Game Génie
D16C-0D0D       Start with half energy--1st life
D161-AF0D       Start with half energy--after 1st life
C22C-AF08       Almost infinite energy
7DA8-C7DC       Gun power-ups worth 30
D9A8-C7DC       Gun power-ups worth 5
C267-A70D       Infinite lives
DF6C-040D       Start with 2 life
D76C-040D       Start with 4 lives
DB6C-040D       Start with 10 lives
82EA-A4D1       1 hit and you're invincible
DDEA-AFA1 + DDA0-04A8   Everyone is invincible--including enemies

Codes Super Game Mage
15694B75-50 : vies infinies
2D774B71-5E : énergie infinie